Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year, new motivation!

January 1st rolls around and everyone wants to get rid of some of that holiday chub. :)  Whether you have 5 lbs. to lose or 50, the 1st of the year usually gets us thinking about getting in better shape, or just getting into shape in general.

The only way you will be successful is if you make a plan.  This plan has to be attainable.  Don't say 'I'm going to lose 50 lbs. this year'.  If you've ever lost weight, you know that sometimes the scale just doesn't budge.  We hit plateaus, we lose motivation.  The best approach is to make several small measurable and ATTAINABLE goals, preferably one month at a time.

For example, you could make your goal for January to eat clean 6 out of 7 days a week, and to go to the gym at least 5 days a week.  This is attainable.  You could also make your goal for the month as something more performance-based such as the ability to do 5 more push-ups than your personable record.

Whatever you want to achieve, just make sure you have a plan, a timeline, and that it is all attainable.  :)  Happy New Year and may 2012 be even more amazing than 2011!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

CrossFit BABY!

There's nothing like the excitement of starting something new.  Last night I went to my first CrossFit class and I was literally giddy with excitement to finally try it out.  And my goodness, did I get smoked!  Oh I've done pullups, situps, and pushups before.  But not like that! :)  My arms were locking up on me and I literally had to will myself to do each rep.  It was amazing!

So here I go...I'm embarking on my CrossFit journey.  This DOES involve me getting rid of two of my gym memberships to fund this escapade....LOL...but I'm excited to see where I can go from here.  I might have to ease myself into the Paleo diet (peanuts aren't allowed????....but peanut butter is my staple food!), but I intend to give this 100% of my attention.

I sure do love the fact that a 30 minute workout 5 days a week is what CrossFit is all about.  No more one hour sessions of cardio and another 45 minutes of free weights.  It'll be all short, explosive workouts for me from here on out.  And by the end of 2012 I WILL do a muscle up! :)  Haha!

Train hard everyone, no matter what you're doing...just give it your all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Functional Training

So my latest motivation has been that I want to train to be STRONG.  I'm past wanting to work out to look a certain way.  Obviously, I don't want to be fat.  But I don't want to train for a specific look, such as what the judges are looking for in an NPC bikini competition.  I'm pretty happy with my shape, and I know that I don't have a small waist and I have large quads.  But that's me.  I love my strong quads.  Sure, I'd like more rounded glutes, but that's something I can definitely work on.  But it's hard to do so when you are 'fighting against nature' as I was doing by trying to keep my quads down.

So now I train functionally.  I still eat clean and work out hard as ever.  However, my focus is to get stronger and attain and break personal records.  I've been trying more CrossFit exercises (I WILL get a muscle up before the end of 2012!) and have started running again.

Here's a great inspirational video of the Girls Gone Strong movement.  I started following Alli McKee when I began my fitness journey and fell in love with the workouts she posted. :) Enjoy and train hard!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Keep it FRESH :)

No matter what your end goal is: lose weight/build muscle/compete in a show/fit in a dress/suit, it's important to remember to keep your workouts fun and fresh.  If you stick to a plan for too long, your versatile body will get used to the routine and you will plateau.  Just as important as rest days are to helping your muscles recover and grow, keeping your body guessing is key to improvement.

Now I'm not saying to totally switch up your entire approach.  If you're lifting 4 days a week and doing cardio 5 days, try cutting down one of the cardio days and going for a run outside.  Or add in a yoga class.  Try something new and let your body keep guessing.  Working out isn't always going to be fun and sometimes it's a bit of a drag.  But throwing in a couple fun elements or a new technique or two keeps the fun in the game.

Yesterday I went to a boot camp class a friend of mine teaches.  The class was formatted similar to a CrossFit class and I essentially ended up doing 100 push ups, 100 pull ups, 200 surf squats, 100 burpees, 100 kettle bell swings, 100 pull ups and more that I can't remember because I have blocked it out (LOL) and running about a mile in between most sets.  I thoroughly enjoyed the class and really had to push myself to finish each set.  It really doesn't matter how athletic or fit you are: no one is the master of everything.  Trying new things that challenge you make you a better athlete.

So sign up for a hot yoga class or a jujitsu class.  Try something you've always wanted to and have FUN! Don't be afraid to try new things...trying, succeeding, and sometime failing make us better individuals! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer

So I've decided that I want to take a break from fitness competitions for at least a year.  The dieting and intense workouts really take a toll on your body.  I have not, however, given up on my goals to be healthy, fit, and strong! :)

In order to easily transition myself into a 'maintenance' fitness regime after being on structured plans for the past year, I am going to be doing the Jamie Eason 12 Week Live Fit Trainer on  She includes a 12 week plan with nutrition (all clean meals) and workout plans.

I will be starting on a Monday (Dec. 5) so that I have the weekend to get my food together, with the 12 weeks ending the week of Mar. 5.  What better way to gain lean muscle and stay in check during the holiday season?

Not only is it absolutely free, but there are portions for men and women in the nutrition plan!  I'm excited to see the changes I can create! :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gym Closed????

With the holidays upon us, we will run into a lot of days when gyms are closed early or closed for the entire day.  So what do you do if you can't get to the gym?  Obviously, you can just go for a run for cardio.  Make it an interval cardio by sprinting for a minute, jogging for 2, then lunging for another 2 (5 minutes total) and repeat until you have done the amount of cardio desired.

But what about weights?  If you don't have free weights at your house, this body weight workout is a great option:

Enjoy! :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sniffle Season

With the holidays always comes flu season. So what do you do if you get a cold or the flu and aren't at 100%? Do you push through and work out anyways?

Working out sick doesn't work for me. Some people can push through but I end up prolonging recovery. Most times my body just needs rest. However, everyone is different. The rule of thumb seems to be that light cardio is okay if you have a cold. Moderate weight lifting seems to be acceptable as well. Lifting or exercising with a fever is never recommended.

Everyone's body is unique and responds to illness differently so it's important to be in tune with your own body and know when you need rest. Don't jump back in 100% after recovery either. Make sure you ease into your workout regimen to avoid a relapse.

Stay healthy and train hard!!! :)